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Feedback - Banking Domain Knowledge

Given below is the feedback collated from a training session on banking domain knowledge

Please note that; below quotes are being provided by the various students over emails and messages over a period of time. For privacy, the names have been withheld.

Q1. What were your expectations towards banking domain knowledge when you first started onto the TechnoFunc, and to what extent have these expectations been met? How?

A1: My main expectations were to broaden my banking knowledge, especially in the areas, in which I’m less involved during my every-day product management work and on the other hand to meet and to work with peers from different organizations. Since the TECHNOFUNC covered the whole range of banking knowledge during the 4 training weeks, I had the chance to learn every aspect of banking from senior leaders and experts of the particular areas. Moreover, the versatility of the participants also enhanced this great learning opportunity.

A2: TECHNOFUNC exceeded my expectations, just the right mix of training content and in most cases the trainers. The theory was well supported by case studies. This was a course where I really wanted to continue, it was so interactive, not the usual standard PowerPoint presentation. TECHNOFUNC gave me a broad perspective on universal banking and the importance of all functions at the organization. Beyond the training itself, one of the key things about TECHNOFUNC were people and great networking we’ve managed to build and hopefully will keep it active

A3: I expected it would also supply me with tools & techniques to manage banking performance. Up to that moment, I could only approach it from an operational perspective, while the program allowed a strategic view and approach.

A4: My top expectations from TECHNOFUNC were the following: extend banking knowledge and project management skills. In this way, I could have improved the efficiency of product development initiatives undertaken by my business. At the same time, it would potentially increase my ability to undertake initiatives in other lines of business. I consider both expectations as met.

A5: First of all the major expectation was to get insight into the banking industry itself as well as get an understanding of how Banking business is done in other countries. That has definitely been met as we had an opportunity to listen/see how the different processes are set up and working in 6 different countries. The opportunity to get training from senior Leaders was absolutely invaluable. Another important goal was to establish networking and leverage this networking during working on home business activities. TECHNOFUNC has provided this great opportunity to the network first of all within the training team and also with the trainers. Cross-country project has helped to establish real teamwork within the Project teams and that was really great. The third expectation was to get a deeper understanding of some business areas, e.g. Risks management, or SME customer management. During four onsite weeks, there were several extremely deep and useful pieces of training that helped to get familiar with some very technical but important staff, as an example, I can mention: Treasury, Pricing, Analysis of Bank balance sheet, Products values proposition, etc.

A6: I knew that this program covers knowledge from several different banking areas but also training in managerial skills.. I was very keen on these subjects. In the beginning, I had doubts about whether the issues that will be presented, will be explained in an accessible, way for people who have nothing in common with e.g. Risk or Finance. I must admit experts with a great experience; enthusiasm and knowledge presented most of the lectures, in a very friendly way. I have been also strongly interested in the development of soft managerial skills, which are from my point of view, essential for lead groups of people but indirectly the whole business. Usage of various training methods, such as simulation, play scenes, lectures, self-analysis I mean, in an unimaginable way has helped me to understand better my working style, environment. I also received tips on how should I work to be more effective, keep motivation, lead people, and at the same time take as much satisfaction from my work as I can.

  • Hits: 1332

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