Effective ERP Implementation Life Cycle Process

Effective ERP Implementation Methodology 

Characteristics of ERP Implementation Methodology, What is ERP Implementation Methodology, Phases and Tasks in ERP Implementation Cycle, End to End Tasks and Phases in ERP Implementation

A good ERP Application Implementation Methodology is comprised of well-defined processes that can be managed in several ways to guide you through an ERP application implementation project. Effective ERP Methodology provides the tools needed to effectively and efficiently plan, conduct, and control project steps to successfully implement new business systems using the ERP Package. 

The ERP Implementation Methodology defines an organization’s business needs at the beginning of the project and maintains their visibility throughout the implementation. It defines time-sensitive business events, and maps each event to the corresponding business and system processes. Using this method, the business community gains an accurate understanding of the business requirements to be met by the final ERP System.

Any good ERP Implementation Methodology needs to be designed with scalability in mind. From the largest, multinational, multi-site, multi-entity projects, through to the smallest, limited size, constrained scope projects — the ERP Implementation Methodology should provide the scalability that your project demands. It should also allow you to tailor your own approach to match your organization’s specific needs. The basic characteristics of good ERP Methodology are that it is flexible, scalable, and extensible.

The ERP Implementation Methodology defines the set of activities that should be conducted in phases. These phases provide quality and control checkpoints to coordinate project activities that have a common goal. During a project phase, your project team will simultaneously be executing tasks from several processes.

The tasks against each phase are organized into processes. Each process represents a related set of objectives, resource skill requirements, inputs, and deliverable outputs. Given below are illustrative phases and the corresponding Processes under each phase that are generally used in any ERP Implementation:

Key ERP Implementation Phases:  

  • Project Definition
  • Requirements Gathering or AS IS Study
  • Solution Design or TO BE STUDY
  • Build and Testing
  • Production Go Live and Roll outs
  • Hits: 3479

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