Change Leadership

Change Leadership

Leadership Skills – Change Management

“Some people change when they see the light, others when they feel the heat.”

TechnoFunc brings to you the best training material on Coping with Change. In this section we will discuss change, our attitudes and reactions to change, the myths and realities about change, and skills to help us cope with change. It is one of life’s paradoxes that change is one of the few constants in our lives. So it is important for us to be able to understand the nature of change and develop strategies to deal with change.

Explore the Change Leadership toolkit on how to deal with change, so that you can enjoy less stress and more success in your work and in your life.

Team Development by Building Trust

Team Development by Building Trust

As your team begins to work together, you need to establish a way each team member can exchange ideas and build mutual trust. Successful groups are built on trust and collaboration. A free exchange of ideas, in an open environment, will allow your team to get to know each other and enable you to check on how they work together. Learn some tips to help build team trust and establish personal bonds.

Reasons behind Wastage of Time

Reasons behind Wastage of Time

Under-utilization of time may be due to the faulty system or faults of manager/officer/leader or due to lack of planning. There could be many factors driving the procrastination behavior like system issues, personal work habits, and lack of delegation, personality traits, and bad working habits of the leader, failure to tackle interpersonal conflicts, obstacles, and lack of far-sightedness.

Tips for Effective Time Management

Tips for Effective Time Management

After studying and analyzing how time is spent, why time is wasted, and where time is wasted you need to decide about the changes required for effective utilization of time. For this purpose, a large number of remedial measures can be taken by you. The first and foremost determinant of a planned and purposeful utilization of time is to develop consciousness of the value of time at all levels of the organization. Planning, goal setting, and defining priorities are concerns to addressed immediately.

Agile Leadership Style

Agile Leadership Style

Charles Darwin had once commented that “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” Agility means the capability of rapidly and efficiently adapting to changes and recently, agility has been applied in the context of software development, agile enterprise, and agile leadership. Agile leaders play an important, even essential, role in scaling agility in an organization. Understand how being an agile leader helps in effectively catalyzing organizational change.

Bad Leadership Style

Bad Leadership Style

A good leadership style is something that every effective leader must have in order to succeed, but identifying what that entails or does not entails might be difficult to understand. Most of the research on leadership focuses on the exemplary, best practices, and positive attributes of effective and successful leaders. This article talks about a new approach to learn leadership using lessons from bad leadership. That is the lessons to be learned by examining leaders who have not effectively exercised their power, authority, or influence.

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