Collection Float

Collection Float

Collection Float is the time spent to collect receivables. Collection float is the sum total of time taken by Invoice Float; Mail Float; Processing Float and Availability Float. Explore more!

Invoice to Cash– Collection Float

Collection Float is the time spent to collect receivables.

Collection float is the sum total of time taken by Invoice Float; Mail Float; Processing Float and Availability Float

1. Invoicing float is the time period between the delivery of goods or services to the customer and the customer's receipt of the bill, generally by mail. It is the time it takes a company to record its delivery of service or
goods and then to produce and mail a bill.

2. Mail float is the time taken by Postal or Courier Service to deliver the customer's payment.

3. Processing float is the period between the receipt of the payment and its deposit into the company's bank account and includes the time it takes to record the payment in the accounting system.

4. Availability float is the time it takes the deposited check to clear the customer's account and for good funds to be available to the company for disbursement.

Collection Float


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