Stress Management

Stress Management

Leadership Skills – Stress Management

Have you been experiencing excessive stress and worry at work or home? Do you sometimes feel that stress keeps you from functioning at your best? Would you like to find ways to channel stress more productively? Would you like to help others do the same?

We all experience stress and worry in the many different areas of our lives. We each respond to stress differently. But the problem comes when our responses hurt our productivity or effectiveness on and off the job. Individuals and organizations cannot remain in a continuous state of tension. Stress doesn’t have to be destructive. Explore this section to discover what causes stress and how to better manage it

This section from TechnoFunc provides an overview of the core concepts behind managing stress—such as its causes and its impact on our day-to-day performance, and strategies for channeling stress toward higher productivity.

Is Stress Always Bad?

Is Stress Always Bad?

Stress is an essential part of our life. No one can live without stress. Stress can be beneficial as well as harmful. Stress as a positive influence adds excitement and hope while as a negative influence it can result in destructive feelings, anger, and depression. Although the general orientation to stress is to consider unfavorable outcomes, yet one must have observed that stress experiences may also facilitate the development of effective and varied coping behavior, increased personal resources, and lead to a sense of competence in development. Stress at a moderate level is not only inevitable but may be useful for physical and mental well-being.

Know Yourself & Your Values

Know Yourself & Your Values

At different points in your professional career, it is helpful to identify your core values. Values are the qualities considered to be the most important guiding principles that determine the priorities in your life and greatly influence your career choices. Your career brings happiness when it is in agreement with the beliefs you have about what is important and meaningful to you. Awareness of your values will help you develop a clearer sense of what's most important to you in life.

Overview of Stress Management

Overview of Stress Management

Stress is a product of the busyness of modern life. It has assumed grave dimensions ever since the emergence of industrialism. In fact, stress is a natural, ongoing, dynamic, and interactive process that takes place as people adjust to their environment. Stress can be brought about by positive or negative life events. Distress can cause disease and eustress or positive stress can promote wellbeing and increased productivity. Learn to recognize and be responsible for your stress, and learn the ways to manage stress.

Recognizing Stress & its Sources

Recognizing Stress & its Sources

As an individual, you almost certainly know what stress feels like. Stressors are events or situations to which people must adjust. Stressors may be physical or psychological in nature. The level of severity of stress is determined not merely by exposure but the intensity, duration, and frequency of stressors. The sources of stress are many. They arise from multiple areas both with the individual and from the environment.

Triggers for Business Change

Triggers for Business Change

As we know change is inevitable as market expectations are not static, new technology is constantly being developed, and organizational responses are inevitable to these sequences. It is a simple matter of business evolution. If every manager and every employee could have some understanding of the triggers of change and their relationships with each other, then the acceptance to change would be easier.

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