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The techno-functional ratio, The Ideal Mix of Technical and Functional Expertise for a ERP Techno-Functional

What is the ideal mix of technical and functional expertise for becoming a successful ERP techno-functional consultant? What is the general opinion about this ratio? Is the expectation is that a techno-functional consultant will be 50% each.

This is a question that comes to everyone’s mind when we start discussing about the techno-functional role. Especially now as the role is getting wide recognition due to the efforts of Chartered Technofunctional Institute, the industry expects a techno-functional consultant to bridge the gap between the technical guys and the clients/functional guys.

When it comes down to ratios, the first ration is 50% technical and 50% functional (as it sounds like the ideal mix), however this ratio on one hand is difficult to achieve on the other hand perception is that it is not a good mix. Whereas on the other hand there are extreme views where people recommend having an 80/20 split between technical and functional (either way is feasible). To take the general consensus on this issue we conducted a survey on LinkedIn and the survey was sent to all Technical, Functional and Technofunctional consultants across many ERP Technologies like SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, JDE, Infor, Lawson and MS Dynamics. Most people agree that it has to be somewhere around 50/50. 

Most of the people who have responded so far are of a view that a technofunctional professional needs to be balanced mix of technical and functional expertise.....

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