Bank Reconciliation Process

Bank Reconciliation Process

Bank Reconciliation is a PROCESS to Validate the bank balance in the general ledger With Bank Statement. Learn the bank recon process.

Bank Reconciliation Process

Bank reconciliation process is targeted to validate the bank balance in the general ledger and explain the difference between the bank balance shown in an organization's bank statement, as supplied by the bank, and the corresponding amount shown in the organization's own accounting records at a particular point in time.

This process is performed by a company to ensure that the company's records (check register, general ledger account, balance sheet, etc.) are correct with the bank's records and to ensure timeliness, accuracy and validation of transactions posted therein.

Bank Reconciliation is a PROCESS

  • Validate the bank balance in the general ledger
  • With Bank Statement &
  • Explain the difference

To Ensure –

  • Accuracy of Company's Records
  • Validation of transactions posted therein.
Bank Reconciliation Process


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