Career Management

Career Management

Leadership Skills – Career Management

“The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing.”

TechnoFunc brings to you tools and approaches you can use to manage your career successfully. Career management is the lifelong process of investing in you to achieve your career goals. Career management is not a singular event but a continuing process, and no one other than you can manage your career. You own the responsibility to manage your own career. Career Management is a necessity for adapting to the changing demands of today’s competitive business world. Whether we are in the early phase of our work life or a seasoned professional, we all understand that we need to be responsible for our careers, however, what we may not know is what career management is and how we do it!

Articles and video tutorials under this section help you to develop your career in various ways. We start with helping you explore what you want to do with your career, what are your career preferences and how to future proof your career, and to get ready for your next promotion.

Authentic Leadership Style

Authentic Leadership Style

Authentic leadership is an approach to leadership that emphasizes building the leader's legitimacy through honest relationships with followers which value their input and are built on an ethical foundation. The authentic leader acts upon his or her values and beliefs, and inspires others to do the same, is committed to know and develop oneself. Are you committed to developing yourself; know your motivations and the purpose of your leadership? Read this article to know more about authentic leadership style and discovering your authentic self. 

Bad Leadership Style

Bad Leadership Style

A good leadership style is something that every effective leader must have in order to succeed, but identifying what that entails or does not entails might be difficult to understand. Most of the research on leadership focuses on the exemplary, best practices, and positive attributes of effective and successful leaders. This article talks about a new approach to learn leadership using lessons from bad leadership. That is the lessons to be learned by examining leaders who have not effectively exercised their power, authority, or influence.

Change is the Only Constant

Change is the Only Constant

In our present Hitech scenario, society is changing very fast. What are the skills that are most relevant for leaders in relation to the changing economic environment? Leaders need to develop skills to drive innovation and change in order to play a more central role in their organizations’ activities. How do managers accept the change and meet business expectations by becoming a key figure in driving change and innovation? 

Concept & Definition of Stress

Concept & Definition of Stress

Stress is a popular expression used by people in day to day life. Pressures of day to day living sometimes necessitate coping or dealing with them and stretch the body beyond its natural capacity. They are called stressors. Stress is a natural, ongoing dynamic, and interactive process that takes place as people adjust to their environment.

Consequences of Stress

Consequences of Stress

A manager or an employee in an organization who is experiencing a high level of stress may develop high blood pressure, ulcers, irritability, difficulty in making routine decisions, loss of appetite, accident proneness, and the like. These can be subsumed under three general categories, physiological, psychological, and behavioral symptoms. Stress can give rise to a number of changes.

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