Career Management

Career Management

Leadership Skills – Career Management

“The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing.”

TechnoFunc brings to you tools and approaches you can use to manage your career successfully. Career management is the lifelong process of investing in you to achieve your career goals. Career management is not a singular event but a continuing process, and no one other than you can manage your career. You own the responsibility to manage your own career. Career Management is a necessity for adapting to the changing demands of today’s competitive business world. Whether we are in the early phase of our work life or a seasoned professional, we all understand that we need to be responsible for our careers, however, what we may not know is what career management is and how we do it!

Articles and video tutorials under this section help you to develop your career in various ways. We start with helping you explore what you want to do with your career, what are your career preferences and how to future proof your career, and to get ready for your next promotion.

Overview of Stress Management

Overview of Stress Management

Stress is a product of the busyness of modern life. It has assumed grave dimensions ever since the emergence of industrialism. In fact, stress is a natural, ongoing, dynamic, and interactive process that takes place as people adjust to their environment. Stress can be brought about by positive or negative life events. Distress can cause disease and eustress or positive stress can promote wellbeing and increased productivity. Learn to recognize and be responsible for your stress, and learn the ways to manage stress.

Recognizing Stress & its Sources

Recognizing Stress & its Sources

As an individual, you almost certainly know what stress feels like. Stressors are events or situations to which people must adjust. Stressors may be physical or psychological in nature. The level of severity of stress is determined not merely by exposure but the intensity, duration, and frequency of stressors. The sources of stress are many. They arise from multiple areas both with the individual and from the environment.

Top Management Skills

Top Management Skills

In today's business world, proficiency in management skills is essential for career growth and success. Managerial skills can be defined as attributes or abilities that are essential for every leader and manager to succeed and fulfill specific tasks expected from them by the organization.

Transform IT Role

Transform IT Role

Technology represents tremendous value if you view it from the proper perspective. IT empowerment also has its various levels in any organization. As a CIO or IT Senior Leader, you should try to move the technology function up the value chain. Learn how to transform your service delivery organization being looked upon as another cost center to a business partner that provides valuable services and brings competitive advantage for the business.

Understanding Corporate Strategy

Understanding Corporate Strategy

Management outlook and procedures have been revolutionized by more and more innovations over the recent years. It is no longer possible to follow traditional approaches to develop your organization's direction, its management as well its effectiveness. Senior managers need to be good decision-makers. In this section, we introduce concepts for strategy, strategic planning, strategic leadership, their exact meaning and associated terms, and how to use them.

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