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Most interesting experience

Tell us about the most interesting experience you had during Technofunc’s training.

If you were to remember only one thing from Technofunc’s training, what would it be?

  1. Regarding the process, during the last 4 months, it was something completely new and challenging for me to work as a project manager and to be responsible for holding such an international team together, but it was a great experience and an enormous learning opportunity for me. If I could mention only one thing I’m most proud of, then it was that 15 minutes when I was standing in front of our executives being able to present the results with confidence thanks to the continuous effort of our great project team.
  2. There were several interesting experiences… if I have to choose one I would go for fantastic, smart people with an individual way of looking at the world.
  3. It is very hard to select only one thing from the whole Program. I would say that the following experiences were the most interesting: 1. First Technofunc’s training cocktail with the Management Team. 2. Session on e-distribution channels, which was extremely interesting and well delivered. 3. Preparation to Report-out and actual report-out, firstly because of great teamwork and secondly plenty of tools, hints, and recommendations of how to behave during the presentations. And of course, the report-out itself is an unforgettable experience due to the target audience was the most senior we ever had to present to.
  4. I would like to bring a new team spirit and employee awareness that the goals of each of us are always our common goals and we have to play together.
  5. The “one” thing from Technofunc’s training, I will be recalling is the final presentation I and other team members gave in front of senior leadership. Although we will be continuing to implement the learnings from Technofunc’s training, the report-out was somehow a “crowning” of all our efforts for the past months. Moreover, we all rarely get the possibility to present topics before such an audience, and also for this reason this will be one of my key memories from the Technofunc’s training.
  6. Driving external focus (have open eyes and consider the impact of my decisions on Bank) and Situational leadership (with some other tools) in daily work.
  7. One thing that I already started to work on is that I also want my team to develop together with me. Therefore, I will work on a strategy that will have as a result a team that is better trained and coached for the future.
  8. If I could change one thing it would be long term strategic planning. I think one of the major problems of my business is planning only for short-terms, and not having a long-term strategic plans. Many agreements and decisions are taken only to achieve short terms goals even if the business suffers loss because of them in the long term. Each employee should think about the future of the company not only for the next 12 months but mainly at least for the next five years. Businesses would achieve the most courageous goals in a quick and convenient way thanks to realizing proper long-term plans.

What is the one word that described your Technofunc’s training experience


  • Inspiring


  • Learning/Experience

  • Knowledge



  • Wonderful Learning Experience

  • Hits: 1048

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