Bank Statement Lines

Bank Statement Lines

So many codes in the lines that are there in a Bank Statement. It contain lots and lots of meaningful information that can help automated many tasks. Explore more!

Bank Statement Lines
Given below are the types of transactions that generally constitute a bank statement-

  • Payments
  • Receipts
  • Cashflows
  • Miscellaneous transactions
  • Each transaction is further supported with additional information.

The typically available information is could be of the nature shown here.

This additional information is very critical for automated reconciliations as you will notice in the upcoming articles.

Additional Information

  • Line number
  • Transaction type
  • Transaction Date (bank transaction date)
  • Amount
  • Bank transaction code
  • Bank transaction identifier (such as the payment or deposit number)
  • Currency information (currency code, original amount in transaction currency, exchange rate)
  • Value date
  • Agent (customer or supplier)
  • Agent bank account
  • Comments
  • User-defined additional information
Bank Statement Lines


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