Bank Differences

Differences – But Why?

Bank reconciliation process is targeted to validate the bank balance in the general ledger and explain the difference between the bank balance shown in an organization's bank statement. Learn the reasons for existence of differences between the two.

Reason for Differences:

Such differences may occur, for example, due to following reasons:

1. Cheques Not Presented: A cheque or a list of cheques issued by the organization has not been presented to the bank.

2. Banking Transactions: A banking transaction, such as a credit received, or a charge made by the bank, has not yet been recorded in the organization's books.

3. Errors: Either the bank or the organization itself has made an error while recording transactions.

4. Deposit in transit: Cash and/or checks that have been received and recorded by an entity, but which have not yet been recorded in the records of the bank where the entity deposits the funds.

5. NSF check: A check that was not honored by the bank of the entity issuing the check, on the grounds that the entity's bank account does not contain sufficient funds. NSF is an acronym for "not sufficient funds."


Differences may occur, between bank statement and bank account in your ledger. Some examples are following:

  1. Cheques not presented
  2. Banking transactions & charges
  3. Errors
  4. Deposit in transit
  5. NSF check
Differences – But Why?


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