The topic for this lesson is "Introduction to Cash Management Process". We start with the learning objectives for building requisite functional expertise in cash management process.
The learning objectives of this lesson on Cash Management are:
Complete Bank Reconciliation Process
Bank Reconciliation Process is a eight step process starting from uploading the Bank Statement to finally posting the entries in General Ledger. Learn the Eight Steps in Detail!
So many codes in the lines that are there in a Bank Statement. It contain lots and lots of meaningful information that can help automated many tasks. Explore more!
Unravel the mystery behind clearing. Why we use clearing accounts. Find the relevance of word "Clearing" in business context.
Although there is no straight forward answer to the question, how to best organize a treasury function, this article provides an generic view of the way large MNCs creates departments or sub-functions within the treasury function.
Treasury Management - Benefits
Effectively using treasury management with cash management and trade finance products brings tangible benefits to both corporates and financial institutions. Let us discuss some tangible benefits of treasury function.
The Cash Clearing process enables you to track amounts that have actually cleared your bank. Till reconciliation happens the amounts are parked in 'Cash Clearing Account'.
Many different accounts are used in finance. Understand the representation and nature of clearing account in context of accounting, finance and ERP Systems.
Introduction to Bank Reconciliation Process
These set of articles provide a brief introduction to Bank Reconciliation Process. This topic not only discusses the meaning of bank reconciliation process but also discusses how this process in handled in new age ERPs and Automated Reconciliation Systems.
Cash Management - Integrations
Cash Management integrates cash transactions from various sources like Receivables, Payables, Treasury and creates reconciliation accounting entries after matching transactions with Bank Statements.
Bank reconciliation process is targeted to validate the bank balance in the general ledger and explain the difference between the bank balance shown in an organization's bank statement. Learn the reasons for existence of differences between the two.
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