Matrix Organizational Structures

Matrix Organizational Structures

In recent times the two types of organization structures which have evolved are the matrix organization and the network organization. Rigid departmentalization is being complemented by the use of teams that cross over traditional departmental lines.

In recent times the two types of organization structures which have evolved are the matrix organization and the network organization. Rigid departmentalization is being complemented by the use of teams that cross over traditional departmental lines.

Matrix structure is the combination of two or more structures explained above. This is the structure that is adopted by most of the multinational companies. In a matrix context, the business support functions also ensure coordination across the business functions within each sub-function (such as procurement, production, marketing, distributing, etc.). They are also responsible for specialization related coordination, training, development and learning, problem solving, development of norms, standards and guidelines for functioning as appropriate to the area of specialization.

For example, we can have a functional structure and then assign a manager for each product. Some employees will have two managers: functional manager and product manager.

Main Features of Matrix Structure

Shared Services is the centralization of service offering at one part of an organization or group sharing funding and resourcing. The providing department effectively becomes an internal service provider. The key is the idea of 'sharing' within an organization or group.  To accelerate business benefits such as lower cost of operations and improved business processes, the vast majorities of organizations centralize some functions into shared services and outsource various others to third-party service providers because some support functions tend to be similar across industries.

The matrix structure is a combination of the product and functional organization and is usually created for executing a project which requires the skilled services of a functional man as well as the specialized knowledge of a product man. Large turnkey projects in specialized fields require a matrix structure.

The distinguishing characteristic of a matrix structure is that it operates under a dual authority. A person is accountable to two bosses at the same time, one his usual boss and the other his boss for the duration of the project. Obviously the problems emanating from this type of structure relate to conflicting roles and authority arising out of an ambiguous demarcation of authority and responsibility. In a Matrix Structure, people typically have two or more lines of report. This type of organization may combine both functional and divisional lines of responsibility, allowing it to focus on divisional performance while also sharing specialized skills and resources.

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Creation Date Thursday, 29 December 2022 Hits 1038

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