Bad Leadership Style

Bad Leadership Style

A good leadership style is something that every effective leader must have in order to succeed, but identifying what that entails or does not entails might be difficult to understand. Most of the research on leadership focuses on the exemplary, best practices, and positive attributes of effective and successful leaders. This article talks about a new approach to learn leadership using lessons from bad leadership. That is the lessons to be learned by examining leaders who have not effectively exercised their power, authority, or influence.

What is Bad Leadership?

While the word "leadership" itself is always associated with positive organizational changes and success but the eternal truth has been that there is more number of ineffective leaders than the leaders that have been good and effective. Bad Leadership is a provocative departure from conventional thinking and compels us to see the dark side of leadership. What it really means to be a bad leader? What are the specific examples of bad leadership styles? How do we carefully examine and understand bad leadership? As per this approach that was outlined in the book Bad Leadership: What it is, How it happens, Why it Matters by Barbara Kellerman (2004), she argues that all leaders must be studied, whether they used their power and authority for good or whether they were “power wielders” who served their own purpose and greed. ‘Bad’ might refer to either ineffective or to someone who failed to produce the desired change, or unethical, or both.

Seven Types of Bad Leadership:

Kellerman in her book explores seven primary types of bad leadership and dissects why and how leaders cross the line from good to bad. Bad Leadership makes clear that we need to face the dark side in order to become better leaders and followers ourselves. Given below are seven types of bad leadership:

1. Incompetent: where the leader lacks the skill or will to be effective

2. Rigid: where the leader is unwilling to adapt or change

3. Intemperate: where the leader lacks self-control

4. Callous: where the leader is uncaring or unkind

5. Corrupt: where the leader lies, steals, or cheats

6. Insular: where the leader disregards the welfare of those outside the group

7. Evil: where the leader commit atrocities or uses pain as an instrument of power

Book to Read/References:

Bad Leadership: What it is, How it happens, Why it Matters by Barbara Kellerman (2004)

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Creation Date Friday, 08 March 2013 Hits 20567 leadership studies, Leadership Theories, theories of leadership, types of leadership

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