Transform IT Role

Transform IT Role

Technology represents tremendous value if you view it from the proper perspective. IT empowerment also has its various levels in any organization. As a CIO or IT Senior Leader, you should try to move the technology function up the value chain. Learn how to transform your service delivery organization being looked upon as another cost center to a business partner that provides valuable services and brings competitive advantage for the business.

Technology represents tremendous value if you view it from the proper perspective. IT empowerment also has its various levels in any organization. How the business perceives the roles of the IT organization, whether they consider it to be another cost center or think of it as a partner that enables business success. Let's understand how an IT department matures in any organization.

IT is another Cost Center

Category 1 is “ Another Cost Center”. Business leaders think IT to be one of the utilities like Electricity, Telecommunications, etc. that helps manage the day to day operations of the business.

IT is Enabler 

In Category 2, the IT department is viewed as an enabler. Business leaders think IT helps them manage business operations more efficiently and thereby help them solve their complex business problems.

IT is a Performer

In Category 3, IT is perceived as a performer, and business leaders see immense value out of their technology arm. They think IT delivers tangible value and provide them with a competitive edge to win the marketplace. IT in this role is seen as driving process improvements & cost efficiencies for the organization.

IT as a Transformer

The next category is that of the transformer where IT is considered as one of the major strategic imperative. Business leaders think IT brings substantial change to the business and partners in driving innovation and strategy.
These categories might depend on the scale of the company’s operations or on the cost that the business is ready to spend on IT. In the case of global companies, there are more expectations from IT to provide innovation and transformation. Smaller firms may want to use IT as more of a basic service, to keep costs down and serve daily operational needs efficiently. However, as IT Leaders and IT professionals, there are always opportunities to add innovation and change into your roles. You can develop these skills irrespective of where your organization lies in the above categories. Let us understand what are the skills and how to develop them.
Transform IT Role

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Creation Date Sunday, 01 April 2012 Hits 13364 Change Management, Creativity, Innovation, IT Leadership Skills

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