Account Reconciliation – How? Learn the three key attributes to perfom account reconciliation.
Account Reconciliation Process
Validation of the accuracy of an account balance is achieved by doing financial verification as well as physical inspection.
Confirmation is done with other parties and/or other procedures are performed on a periodic basis to complete reconciliation process.
The three steps are depicted in the attached image.
Introduction to Cash Clearing Process
Unravel the mystery behind clearing accounts. Learn why clearing accounts are used in finance and accounting. Learn why so many clearing accounts are defined in ERPs and Automated Accounting Systems.
Learning objectives for this lesson are: Meaning of Order to Cash Process; Sub Processes under Order to Cash; Process Flow for Order to Cash; Key Roles & Transactions; Key Setups/Master Data Requirements.
Collection Float is the time spent to collect receivables. Collection float is the sum total of time taken by Invoice Float; Mail Float; Processing Float and Availability Float. Explore more!
Technology has enabled the treasury function by providing various solutions to manage it's complicated tasks. This article explains various types of treasury management systems available in the market.
So many codes in the lines that are there in a Bank Statement. It contain lots and lots of meaningful information that can help automated many tasks. Explore more!
In automated clearing, Bank statement details are automatically matched and reconciled with system transactions. Learn how this process works and what are the perquisites to enable the same.
Why enterprises need cash management. What is the purpose of having a well defined cash management process?
Introduction to Bank Reconciliation Process
These set of articles provide a brief introduction to Bank Reconciliation Process. This topic not only discusses the meaning of bank reconciliation process but also discusses how this process in handled in new age ERPs and Automated Reconciliation Systems.
The objective of funding Management is to implement strategies that lead to the best borrowing rates and lower investment costs. Learn how treasury aids in loans and investment management functions.
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