Have you ever wondered what is actually a Bank Statement and why it is needed. What is the information that is available in a bank statement?
Bank statement or account statement is a summary of financial transactions which have occurred over a given period on a bank account held by a person or business with a financial institution.
Bank statements have historically been and continue to be typically printed on one or several pieces of paper
They are either mailed directly to the account holder, or kept at the financial institution's local branch for pick-up.
In recent years there has been a shift towards paperless, electronic statements
Most financial institutions now offer direct download of bank statement into account holders accounting software.
Key Attributes of Bank Statement:
What is Invoice to Cash Process
In this article, we will explore the business process area known as; Invoice to Cash; Also known as I2C. Learning objectives for this lesson are: Meaning of Invoice to Cash Process; Sub Processes under Invoice to Cash; Process Flow for Invoice to Cash; Key Transactions Fields; Key Setups/Master Data Requirements.
Have you ever wondered what is actually a Bank Statement and why it is needed. What is the information that is available in a bank statement?
Introduction to Bank Reconciliation Process
These set of articles provide a brief introduction to Bank Reconciliation Process. This topic not only discusses the meaning of bank reconciliation process but also discusses how this process in handled in new age ERPs and Automated Reconciliation Systems.
Unravel the mystery behind clearing. Why we use clearing accounts. Find the relevance of word "Clearing" in business context.
Technology has enabled the treasury function by providing various solutions to manage it's complicated tasks. This article explains various types of treasury management systems available in the market.
Although there is no straight forward answer to the question, how to best organize a treasury function, this article provides an generic view of the way large MNCs creates departments or sub-functions within the treasury function.
In the previous article we talked about the meaning of the account reconciliations. Now as you now the definition of account reconciliation, in this article let us see why it is carried out.
The terms Treasury Management and Cash Management are sometimes used interchangeably, while, in fact, the scope of treasury management is larger and includes funding and investment activities as well. Learn all about Treasury Management here!
Account Reconciliation – How? Learn the three key attributes to perfom account reconciliation.
Learning objectives for this lesson are: Meaning of Order to Cash Process; Sub Processes under Order to Cash; Process Flow for Order to Cash; Key Roles & Transactions; Key Setups/Master Data Requirements.
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