Introduction to Bank Reconciliation

Introduction to Bank Reconciliation Process

These set of articles provide a brief introduction to Bank Reconciliation Process. This topic not only discusses the meaning of bank reconciliation process but also discusses how this process in handled in new age ERPs and Automated Reconciliation Systems.

Bank reconciliation process is targeted to validate the bank balance in the general ledger and one of the most critical controllership processes. Learn the what, why and how of bank reconciliation process. Also get insights into how this is managed in modern ERPs and automated reconciliation systems. Proper completion of the Account Reconciliation Process is fundamental to ensuring the balance sheet is properly stated. Personnel with responsibility for Account Reconciliations hold key Controllership responsibilities.

A quick introduction to Bank Reconciliation Process. A must for folks working on General Ledger, Cash Management, Treasury and other functions involving bank reconciliation. Very good learning tool for IT professionals working on ERPs or automated recon systems to gain functional expertise on bank reconciliation process.


The learning objectives of this capsule are:

Learn the meaning of Account Reconciliation and its importance in controllership process

Meaning of Bank Reconciliation Process and its Importance

Understand the Cash Clearing Concepts and complete Process

Learn the steps in Automated Bank Reconciliation along with steps in Manual Bank Reconciliation

Introduction to Bank Reconciliation Process


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