Cash Management Process

Cash Management - Process

How the inflow and outflow of cash is linked to the operating cycles of the business? Learn the cash management process in an enterprize and it's key components.

The cash flow timeline includes the total time interval beginning with the first phase of the operating cycle, when resources are purchased, until the last step when receipts are collected.

It consists of 4 basic steps.

1. Material purchases.

Acquisition of raw materials or merchandise for resale includes negotiation of the method of payment, credit terms and trade and payment discounts.

2. Payment for resources.

All resources required to support sales, including labor, marketing and overhead expenses, incur financing costs until cash is collected for sales made.

3. Sale of inventory or services.

Merchandise and other sales are most frequently accomplished by extending credit to customers. The timing of accounts receivable collection is a major focus in cash management.

4. Collection of receipts.

Only when the customer has provided good funds for the merchandise or service does the cash flow cycle conclude for that transaction.

Cash Management - Process


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