A hierarchy is an ordered series of related objects. You can relate hierarchy with “pyramid” - where each step of the pyramid is subordinate to the one above it. One can use drill up or down to perform multi-dimensional analysis with a hierarchy. Multi-dimensional analysis uses dimension objects organized in a meaningful order and allows users to observe data from various viewpoints.
A hierarchy is an ordered series of related objects. You can relate hierarchy with “pyramid” - where each step of the pyramid is subordinate to the one above it. One can use drill up or down to perform multi-dimensional analysis with a hierarchy. Multi-dimensional analysis uses dimension objects organized in a meaningful order and allows users to observe data from various viewpoints. These hierarchies need to be mapped to systems to ensure they are capturing the relevant business process information at relevant nodes to provide meaningful information for internal and external reporting.
The account hierarchy allows you to map complex organizational structures of a business partner (for example, buying group, co-operative or chain of retail outlets). When you create a hierarchy structure, you form groups of business partners (for example, for purchasing groups). You can use them for statistical purposes and for marketing and accounting and other meaningful analyses.
Organizational hierarchies represent the relationships between the units/segments that make up your business.
Larger organizations may require some hierarchies that are based on business units and other hierarchies that are based on shared services, such as human resources and IT. They need to create cost centers in shared service departments and position them under business units, so that the costs of shared services are appropriately allocated. Now we will explore some examples of reporting needs arising out of these different hierarchies and dimensions. Any how they add complexity at transactional level to record relevant information appropriately.
Some areas where we need to deal with dimensions/hierarchies are:
Defining organizational hierarchies enable to view and report on your business from different perspectives. You set up a hierarchy of legal entities for tax, legal, regulatory or statutory reporting. Various Legal entities can enter into legal contracts and are required to prepare statements that report on their performance. While performing business activities we need to capture and classify transactions at legal entity level to be able to identify transactions that belong to a specific legal entity. Therefore, there exists a need to define boundary at legal entity level to enable data classification, consolidation, security and reporting at these entity levels.
A large corporate may create a central mailroom to receive all invoices from its vendors for which it need to make payment. These invoices are raised on separate legal entities within the same corporate group, but mailed to a central processing center for accounting and payment. The shared service resource who is working on these invoices must specify in the Accounting System the different legal entities to ensure proper treatment of these transactions. The payments should be issued from the respective bank accounts belonging to the legal entity on which the invoice has been raised.
You can create a hierarchy for purchasing function to control purchasing policies, rules, and business processes.
Legal Structures in Businesses
Businesses not only vary in size and industry but also in their ownership. Most businesses evolve from being owned by just one person to a small group of people and eventually being managed by a large numbers of shareholders. Different ownership structures overlap with different legal forms that a business can take. A business’s legal and ownership structure determines many of its legal responsibilities.
What Is a General Ledger? General Ledger (also known in accounting as the GL or the Nominal Ledger) is at the heart of any accounting system. A general ledger is the master set of accounts that summarize all transactions occurring within an entity. Ledger is the skillful grouping and presentation of the Journal entries. Learn the accounting fundamentals, general ledger process, and general ledger flow.
Legal Structures for Multinational Companies
A multinational company generally has offices and/or factories in different countries and a centralized head office where they coordinate global management. A multinational company (MNC)is a corporate organization that owns or controls the production of goods or services in at least one country other than its home country.
A legal entity is an artificial person having separate legal standing in the eyes of law. A Legal entity represents a legal company for which you prepare fiscal or tax reports. A legal entity is any company or organization that has legal rights and responsibilities, including tax filings.
Introduction to Legal Entities Concept
Modern business organizations operate globally and leverage a large number of registered legal entities, and operate through complex matrix relationships. To stay competitive in the current global business environment, they must often develop highly diverse and complex organizational structures that cross international borders. Learn more about Legal Entities and their importance for businesses.
In this article we will focus on and understand the accounting process which enables the accounting system to provide the necessary information to business stakeholders. We will deep dive into each of the steps of accounting and will understand how to identify accounting transactions and the process for recording accounting information and transactions.
Introduction to Organizational Structures
Organizations are systems of some interacting components. Levitt (1965) sets out a basic framework for understanding organizations. This framework emphasizes four major internal components such as: task, people, technology, and structure. The task of the organization is its mission, purpose or goal for existence. The people are the human resources of the organization.
Matrix Organizational Structures
In recent times the two types of organization structures which have evolved are the matrix organization and the network organization. Rigid departmentalization is being complemented by the use of teams that cross over traditional departmental lines.
A Company (also called corporation) may be understood as an association of persons in which money is contributed by them, to carry on some business or undertaking. Persons who contribute the money are called the shareholders or the members of the company. A corporation is an artificial being, invisible, intangible and existing only in contemplation of law. Being the mere creature of law, it possesses only those properties which the charter of its creation confers upon it.
Multi Currency - Functional & Foriegn
Currency is the generally accepted form of money that is issued by a government and circulated within an economy. Accountants use different terms in the context of currency such as functional currency, accounting currency, foreign currency, and transactional currency. Are they the same or different and why we have so many terms? Read this article to learn currency concepts.
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