Operational Structures in Business

Operational Structures in Business

Large organizations grow through subsidiaries, joint ventures, multiple divisions and departments along with mergers and acquisitions. Leaders of these organizations typically want to analyze the business based on operational structures such as industries, functions, consumers, or product lines.

Large organizations grow through subsidiaries, joint ventures, multiple divisions and departments along with mergers and acquisitions. Leaders of these organizations typically want to analyze the business based on operational structures such as industries, functions, consumers, or product lines. Additionally, leaders typically restructure their businesses to meet the requirements of the marketplace in an agile manner. A large organization requires an organizational structure that supports internal controls, effective performance measurement, and efficient delivery of goods and services. To accomplish this large organizations model multiple hierarchies to measure the effectiveness of restructuring, and to compare old and new organizational structures.

The various, multifaceted tasks and activities of an organization have to be divided into smaller, manageable components to facilitate efficient achievement of business objectives. Internally, an organization can be structured in many different ways, depending on their objectives. The internal structure of an organization will determine the modes in which it operates and performs. Organizational structure allows the expressed allocation of responsibilities for different functions and processes to different entities such as the branch, department, workgroup and individual.

Types of internal organizational structures:

Given below are the common differentiation ways:

  1. Horizontal or flat organizational structures
  2. Hierarchical organizational structures
  3. Functional organizational structures
  4. Divisional organizational structures (market-based, product-based, geographic)
  5. Matrix organizational structures
  6. Network organizational structures
  7. Team-based organizational structures

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Creation Date Thursday, 29 December 2022 Hits 1335

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